



【课程英文名称】Selected Readings of British Intellectual History





【总学时数】 36        

【总学分数】 2















本课程要求学生必须掌握一定的英国历史与英国社会文化的基本知识,熟悉特定的思想得以产生的历史背景与时代特征,以便学生探讨具有较强思辨色彩的思想史问题。因此,“英国历史”与“英国社会与文化”课程是开设 “英国思想史选读课程的必要条件。



Thomas More’s Utopia: Ideas that Cut across Disciplines

In this selected reading course on British intellectual history, students will be introduced to the breadth and depth of ideas covered in Thomas More’s Utopia, a canonical text that has attracted the attention of researchers in diverging fields of inquiry including economics, political philosophy, morality and ethics, life philosophy, gender studies, law and religion. In our exploration of the central tenets in More’s novel, we will introduce the thoughts of major British thinkers in the modern times, while paying homage to major European intellectuals when their ideas can be compared with those of the British thinkers.


Week 1 and 2 General Introduction (1) and (2): What Is Intellectual History? (支撑课程目标123)

In the first two lectures, a general introduction will be given, which will lay out course objectives, scope, content and outlines. Students will be guided to think through the term “Intellectual History” as we draw upon the work of famous intellectual historians, both Western and Chinese, in order to arrive at an adequate understanding of Intellectual History as a discipline. Different elaborations on the term will be surveyed, along with the history of the term’s evolution, and the contemporary European – esp. British – focuses in Intellectual History.


Week 3 and 4 On Historical Thinking (支撑课程目标123)

Any course on intellectual history needs to grapple with the nature of historical thinking. Where does history stand in relation to the present? This lecture begins with philosophical thinking about the past and the present, questioning the conventional view of history as static and proposing to rethink the relationship in a dialectical fashion.


Week 5 and 6 Introduction to Thomas More the Intellectual (支撑课程目标12)

During the two weeks’ classes, students will be transported back to Thomas More’s England in the 16th century. We will revisit the economic, socio-political, religious and cultural landscape of 16th-century England, the larger historical context where Thomas More as an intellectual lived and wrote his Utopia. We will look at Thomas More as a devout Catholic, a Renaissance humanist and a political philosopher, which will outline the intellectual makeup of the intellectual and the road leading up to his writing of Utopia.


Week 7 The Critique of the Contemporary English Society in Utopia Book One(支撑课程目标12)

This week, students will be asked to read Book One of Utopia, which lays the foundation for all subsequent discussions about the novel.


Week 8, 9 and 10 Economic Dimensions of Utopia: Private Property, Division of Labor and Hierarchical Social Relations (支撑课程目标123)

We will begin by exploring the economic dimensions of Utopia. We will first examine the concept of private property, brought up by the fictional character Rafael Hythloday in Utopia. We will then trace ideas about private property back to Plato and visit different British intellectual stances on private property represented by John Locke and Adam Smith, and end with an examination of Karl Marx’s conception of private property.

We will then introduce the concept of labor and the division of labor by probing the views of British thinkers, and briefly examine the effects of such division in modern industrialized societies – on both individual and collective levels – as critiqued Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, and William Morris. We will also ponder the relationship between labor and leisure in modern capitalist societies as explored by 20th-century European thinkers from the Frankfurt School.


Week 11, 12 and 13 Utopia and Political Governance: the State and the Individual; Top Down or Bottom Up? (支撑课程目标123)

In our explorations of the political dimensions of Utopia, we will compare this island with what appears to be its very opposite – dystopia. Where is the boundary line between utopia and dystopia? By revisiting the major works in English-language dystopian literature, we will explore surprising parallels between More’s Utopia and the fictional dystopias that find echoes in the modern society. What can these parallels reveal about utopia as a socio-political ideal? In this regard, John Stuart Mill’s work will be brought within purview. We will then probe the differences between two ways in which political structures are established: the top-down approach and the bottom-up approach. Adam Smith and his liberal ideas on society will be brought to bear upon the discussion. In comparison, we will bring in Thomas Carlyle whose “great man” theory stands at odds with the route advocated by Smith.


Week 14 and 15 Life Philosophy, Religion and Other Matters (支撑课程目标123)

Thomas More’s conception of the Utopian life philosophy merits particular attention. Echoing the thought of ancient philosophers such as Epicurus, Diogenes, and the Stoics, the Utopian life philosophy, with its emphasis on happiness and pleasure, invites a discussion of the British philosophy of utilitarianism by Bentham and Mill. We will then discuss the religious aspect in Utopia and ponder questions such as “is religion reconcilable with reason and science?” and “where does religion stand in relation to art and philosophy?” through the work of major European philosophers.


Week 16 Final Exam Essay Questions







2HistoryReligionand Culture , Collini. Cambridge University Press.

3) Economy, Polity and Society, Collini. Cambridge University Press.

4) Victorian Minds, Gertrude Himmelfarb. Ivan R. Dee Publisher, Chicago.

5) The Moral Imagination, Gertrude Himmelfarb. Souvenir Press.

6)《牛津英国史》, Kenneth O. Morgan. 钟美荪注释,外语教学与研究出版社。

7The Rise and Fall of the British Empire. Lawrence James. New York.




考核方式1:课堂表现,占比 25%(对应课程目标123

考核方式3:期中Essay,占比 25%(对应课程目标123

考核方式4:期末Essay,占比 50%(对应课程目标123




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